Storing data with JSONB on PostgreSQL

Portuguese Version

Recently I’ve been working with a kind of data called jsonb and I’ve decided to write about it. This kind of data is a json, but there are differences according to the PostgreSQL documentation.

The json data type stores an exact copy of the input text, which processing functions must reparse on each execution; while jsonb data is stored in a decomposed binary format that makes it slightly slower to input due to added conversion overhead, but significantly faster to process, since no reparsing is needed. jsonb also supports indexing, which can be a significant advantage.


Having this in mind, I’m going to show some examples.

Creating a table

create table products (
	id varchar(36) not null,
	data jsonb not null,
	constraint product_pkey primary key (id)


insert into products values('d987878a-630a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002', '{"name": "SNES", "price": 400.0, "measure": "UNIT"}');
insert into products values('2223ba5c-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002', '{"name":"Beer","price":8.50,"measure":"UNIT","features":{"size":"600ML","expiration_date":"2021-04-01","manufacture_date":"2020-07-16"}}');
insert into products values('cd5a77d0-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002', '{"name":"Cookie","price":2.0,"measure":"UNIT","features":{"expiration_date":"2021-03-14","manufacture_date":"2020-04-13"},"barCodes":["78900050501","78900050502","78900050503","78900050504"]}');

Selecting data

a) Getting records with features attribute.

select id, data->>'name' as name 
from products 
where data->'features' is not null;


| id                                   | name    |
| -----------------------------------  | ------- |
| 2223ba5c-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002 | Beer    | 
| cd5a77d0-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002 | Cookie  |

b) Getting values by index.

select id, data->>'name' as name, 
       data->'barCodes'->>0 as first_bar_code,
       data->'barCodes'->>-1 as last_bar_code
from products


| id                                   | name   | first_bar_code  | last_bar_code |
| ------------------------------------ | ------ | --------------- | ------------- |
| d987878a-630a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002 | SNES   | NULL            | NULL          |
| 2223ba5c-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002 | Beer   | NULL            | NULL          |
| cd5a77d0-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002 | Cookie | 78900050501     | 78900050504   |

c) Grouping with the jsonb_agg function.

select jsonb_agg(data->>'name') as names
from products 
group by data->>'measure'


| names                      |
| -------------------------- | 
| ["SNES", "Beer", "Cookie"] |

Updating rows

The following examples will be with jsonb_set function. This one has four arguments.

a) Creating a new attribute.

update products 
set data = jsonb_set(data, '{features}', '{"width": "203.2mm", "height": "68mm", "depth":"254mm"}', true)
where id = 'd987878a-630a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002';


  "name": "SNES",
  "price": 400.0,
  "measure": "UNIT",
  "features": {
    "depth": "254mm",
    "width": "203.2mm",
    "height": "68mm"

b) Removing an attribute.

update products set data = data - 'price'
where id = 'cd5a77d0-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002';

select id,
       data->>'name' as name,
       data->'price' as price 
from products 
where id = 'cd5a77d0-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002';


| id                                   | name   | price |
| ------------------------------------ | ------ | ----- |
| cd5a77d0-630d-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002 | Cookie | NULL  |

c) Changing values.

update products 
set data = jsonb_set(data, '{price}', to_jsonb(500.0), false)
where id = 'd987878a-630a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002';

select id,
       data->>'name' as name,
       data->'price' as price 
from products 
where id = 'd987878a-630a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002';


| id                                   | name  | price |
| ------------------------------------ | ----- | ----- |
| d987878a-630a-11eb-ae93-0242ac130002 | SNES  | 500.0 |

In the last example, it was necessary to use the to_jsonb function to cast the value.


Threre are a lot of other issues to see as indexes and functions, but my goal was to make an introduction about this kind of data. This article was my first writing about databases and I hope you’ve liked it. If you have any doubt, let me know in the comments.

PostgreSQL jsonb database

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